This is a photo of a domesticated haggis. Naturally its much larger than the wild haggis found in the Highlands. For those people who don't know what a haggis is:
Wild haggis (Haggis scoticus) is a fictional creature said to be native to the Scottish Highlands.It is comically claimed to be the source of haggis, a traditional Scottish dish that is in fact made from the innards of sheep (including heart, lungs, and liver). According to some sources, the wild haggis's left and right legs are of different lengths (cf. Sidehill gouger or Dahu), allowing it to run quickly around the steep mountains and hillsides which make up its natural habitat, but only in one direction. It is further claimed that there are two varieties of haggis, one with longer left legs and the other with longer right legs. The former variety can run clockwise around a mountain (as seen from above) while the latter can run anticlockwise.The two varieties coexist peacefully but are unable to interbreed in the wild because in order for the male of one variety to mate with a female of the other, he must turn to face in the same direction as his intended mate, causing him to lose his balance before he can mount her. As a result of this difficulty, differences in leg length among the haggis population are accentuated. from Wikipedia

The Queen had some cattle entered into the livestock show. She even managed to win a prize for her highland cattle, albeit fourth place. Is this a testament to the cattle or to the judges ensuring they don't get invited to the Tower?
Wandering around was good fun but I had the misfortune of spilling some sample curry on my shirt. Of course it was commented on by everyone. And then for the rest of the day whenever the wind would blow just right, that is when there was no smell of cow sh*te in the air, I could smell curry coming form my shirt.