We spent yesterday in Shotts at Izzy's Birthday Tournament.
What a fabulous day - what incredible effort was put into the games and decoration. And the enthusiasm of the games.
High points of the day were the Jousting and the Castle Scaling competitions.
I was just pipped to the post in the Castle Scaling in one of the closer races of the day.
Sadly there are no photos of my joust. I was up and knocked down and bounced out of the ring before Fiona could even lift the camera. It all happened so fast that Master Tait suspected foul play and ordered a rematch. His fears were unfounded as I was again bounced out almost as quickly.
My personal involvement finished, I could enjoy the rest of the day.
As the jousting progressed it became quite serious -
with husband versus wife, brother versus sister, and brothers in law brothers in arms.
But it was all really abut having fun, which we all did.
Great day with good friends.