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It was really great. The weather was perfect (actually bordering on the too hot, but I don't want to say that too loud in Scotland). Its incredible to see scenery like this this close to a city. Glasgow is the 3rd largest population in the UK but this is barely out of the city centre. These are the bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond as seen from the bus at 50mph.
The other side, the wire side, had a cable to walk across. You held onto a barrel suspended from above for balance. Once you got across you went up to the next layer and went back across on the cable this time using swings for balance. The third layer had knotted rope to balance with. sadly time meant could have a go on this one (this is the official position, being scared s*@#less had nothing to do with it)
Saturday night was a long one though. Once we got the cubs to bed and things quietened down we decided to get to sleep ourselves. Just after we had all settled and were falling asleep there was a retching and splashing sound. Sadly one of the cubs was violently sick all over his room's floor. We got him out and into the toilet and started the clean-up as he continued to be ill. We were just about done when a second cub came out, asked what was going on, and vomited all over the floor. We finally got that sorted and put them back to bed with spare sleeping bags, a bucket at each bed side and a towel on the floor. Once we were all back in our beds we were like gunfighters with hair triggers, pouncing on the slightest sound. Finally we were right as a third cub was ill. By now we had our patter down pat and it didn't take too long to get him back into his bed. The 2 ladies went back to bed while the 3 lads stayed up drinking tea and eating biscuits. Finally at 0400 we decided that there wasn't gong to be any more drama and headed off back to bed. Sunrise is 0410 and that's when the birds started so it was about 0430 before I got to sleep. We all slept in til 0830 when we headed for breakfast. It was the worst hangover I've ever had without the pleasure of actually having had anything to drink.
We did implement a new rule - no more sweets til they got home. It was unpopular to say the least. We wanted parents to see just how much their kids had been eating, other than the supplied meals. It surprised the 5 of us.
The rest of the day was a ramble along the southern slopes of whatever hill that was, ending down by the jetty. The cubs went onto the boat and I escaped back to the lodge for a feets up rest.
The trip home was quiet and uneventful We stopped for chips which we all enjoyed but got stuck in traffic which was appreciated somewhat less.
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