Fiona and her gang allowed me to tag along on their annual trip to the Highland Show in Ingliston in Edinburgh.
Again its was a beautiful morning but an early start as we left Troon at 0830 to head east and try and avoid the worst of the traffic.
We made good time and weren't too badly affected by the traffic and met up with her pals by 1030. We then headed around the young farmers exhibition then onto the crafts and then quick through the horses and into the cows.
The horse were all in stalls facing outward so you could see them but with the low light not take great photos (unless you used a flash, which I didn't want to risk) The cows were all in rows but facing inward so really all you could see were cow bums. Some on the ends could be photoed but again i decided against the use of a flash so none came out great...
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There were a lot of Shire horses with carriages, both single and double axle ones. And since they were outside they didn't need the flash. Seeing these huge animals is well impressive, especially working as a team. They only had single pairs so it never got as dramatic as the Budweiser hitch of four pairs, but you certainly know when a team is coming.
As with all shows there is also the new farm machenery. Its amazing how complex and high tech some of these machines are - GPS and satNav to ensure full even seeding. The tradional colours of blue for Ford and red for Massey Ferguson don't seem to hold the balance any more with a good selection of colours across the board. There what even looks like the Brokeback Barnyard entry:
Until you realise its for Breast Cancer Awareness.
What really amazes me is the increase in size of these machines. the green Kramer could probably park under the Pink beast