30 July 2010

It's a light and tumble journey...

From the East Side to the park;
Just a fine and fancy ramble
To the zoo.

Simon and Garfunkel - At the Zoo
 Michele took all six of us out to the zoo today. It was great fun. I haven't been to Dublin Zoo in absolute ages.
The weather wasn't great, but really only rained hard on us once and that was while we were in the Gorilla house, so we just hung about there a little longer. Some of the showers were a bit on the damp side, but you just gotta bear it. As usual Ciaran played to his audience, but I suspect neither Bobby nor Ava seem that impressed with what he had to say, certainly they look dubious in this photo.
They really have done a lot of work around the zoo with new enclosures being implemented all the time. The new enclosures seem to mean less visibility of the animals but its better in the long term for their health.
The real clever thing is the family pass which meant it was at least the 4th time that Michele had brought the children into the zoo. They would come in and fo0llow different paths, in different directions so that they wouldn't get bored with seeing the same animals in the same order.Yet in all that time they had managed not to see the Red Panda. This is related to the giant Panda but is only the size of a cat, coloured like a fox, with a big bottle tail. Its also know an the fire fox though the browser uses a red fox as its mascot.

Its amazing how much fun the zoo is and no matter how wet and unhappy you seem, its always a good time.