03 September 2010

New Boiler - Day 10

After ten days how is the progress? Absolutely none.

The installer never got his manager (Bill) to ring back, and my calling the installation department only results with Bill being left voice message to phone me.

Last Saturday, the 28th, I decided to open up a hatch in the kitchen floor to see what I could see. Ciaran and I lifted the lino and I started drilling corner holes under where the boiler would sit. Its not exactly the right place to be looking but I cannot move the cooker out and open a hatch there. Finally managed to drill and cut the hatch and opened it to discover that there was a solid layer of polystyrene between the bottom of the floor and the concrete foundation, so the hatch was useless.

I then decided to call Scottish Gas again. The lady said she would leave a message for the manager to phone me on Tuesday, Monday being a bank holiday. I point out that he had already been left numerous messages to phone me but never has. She countered that he had been ringing the house number (despite being told to contact my mobile and all correspondence including my mobile number). I colourfully suggested that she leave a message for Bill and his team to be out at mine for 8 on the Tuesday morning, doing the job that should have been finished a week ago. However, she was not authorised to confirm installation dates so I would have to wait anyway.

On the morning of the Bank Holiday Monday, the sales man, whom I had phoned twice on Friday got back in touch. Despite him not working that day, he was clearing his messages. It seems that Bill, despite having access to my file had only been trying to contact me on the land line. As he now had the mobile number I was assured a call within a few hours.

On Tuesday evening, after no contact for the week, I rang again. This time Kevin took the call and for security had me confirm my mobile number!  He looked at my file and noted that Bill was supposed to phone me but wasn't getting any answer. I pointed out that he was supposed to phone my mobile, but conceded that there were some unanswered calls at the house (the phone logs them). I pointed out that Bill should have left a message. anyway, Kevin assured me that Bill now had the correct number and would call me as soon as he could. I thanked Kevin and asked to speak with Bill's boss. Kevin went away to check who that would be and came back to explain that it was George but what was I planing to say to him. I explained that I simply wanted my installation sorted and wasn't getting anywhere. Kevin understood and went off to get George. Sadly George was not available and would phone me.

On Wednesday lunchtime I did finally get a call on my mobile, though not Bill or George. Its another install guy who wants to come out. "Tomorrow" "Not suitable for me, How about Friday" "Got another job. Monday?" "No but Tuesday would be OK" "Fine" Good, so finally someone is coming out on Tuesday, 2 weeks later than scheduled to hopefully start the job.

In the meantime there still haven't been any calls...