Pity we couldn't control the weather. All morning it had been scattered but very heavy showers, with a few of hail. By the time I arrived to prepare at 1600 the rain was on again, and the plan was to run the BBQ in the hall itself and hope the extracter fans would cope with the smoke. That was the plan... Sadly there was too much smoke coming off the old BBQ that the extractor fans simply couldn't cope and at the last minute we had to move outside. Fortunately it had stopped raining and actually remained dry for the rest of the evening.
By 1830 the bonfire was well ablaze, the food was ablaze, and the fireworkswere about to start.

The camera can actually capture them, but there is no background, and often nothing other than the firework burst - so the pictures are really quite samey and boring.
Plus the open door, and the light coming from the hall inside would wash the image out.
Once Troon started their display I was in a better position, but due to the distance it was harder to get shots in focus with the burst, like this:
After the fireworks most people settled back into the BBQ with David's mulled wine and simply ate meat products til there were none left.
Back home with a litre of mulled wine by 2100. Job done.
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