In the past week I've appeared in public for the first time in uniform at the Remembrance Service, surprised and confused my pack by taking my oath in front of the pack, and had my first of many training sessions.

11 Nov - Baptism of fire.
Dave was away on a Beaver's camp so I was left on my own representing the Cubs at the Remembrance Service. After having Fiona stay up late sewing badges onto my shirt, and having Ciaran show me how to fold the neckie we arrived at the service to be asked if I wanted to know how many badges were in the wrong place. I think everyone there mentioned that they had never seen me in uniform before. We had a solemn service and then a quick march to the monument for the wreath laying.
13 Nov - The funny handshake
Tuesday saw me arrive for our cub night in uniform. Despite it only being a shirt, and me being involved each week for the past 5 years, it did feel different. It certainly threw the cubs. Dave, having missed Sunday, didn't bother to ask and simply identified the badges that have to be moved. After a normal evening's activities we gathered for the flag break ceremony and Dave surprised me by asking was I ready and then launching into the oath, followed by the traditional Scouting left hand handshake. Dave had been told to get photos...
20 Nov - The training begins
I spent 5 hours today in a training session, covering just 3 of the 15 training modules I have to complete in the next 3 years. No one menti0oned the training when I signed up for the uniform. I knew there would have to be some training, but I was thinking knots and how to set up tents (pitch apparently) and indeed two of the modules are 'Practical Skills' and 'Activities Outdoors' but I didn't expect topics like 'Administration' and 'Working with Adults' to be required. And there's more than just attending the training - it all has to be verified. Naturally some will be verified on a nightly basis as we manage the cubs but each module has a minimum list of tasks which have to be completed and assessed before we get the tick/done.