20 February 2012

3 more weeks

After being told at A&E that it should have only taken 2 weeks to recover, after 4 weeks of hobbling around I finally get concerned enough to go back to the doctors about this ankle. Apart from being damned sore and still quite swollen, I can't even walk on uneven surface without going over on it.
After having a look my GP says it will be another 3 weeks at least and possibly as much as 6! He also says that despite A&E saying that using an ice pack after 48 hours after the injury was ineffective, he's suggesting 10-15 minutes 3 times a day. He's also prescribed a 4 weeks course of anti-inflammatories as I can't take ibruprofen for that long.
At least I don't have to go back to hospital or have it in a cast.
This has got to be a sign of aging!