02 July 2012

Tree tops

Up early this morning. Again its been wet overnight but isn't actually raining. We have our tree tops activity at 0930 so we have to be there early to get kitted out.I'm looking forward to it. We did something similar with Cubs a few years back which though frightening I know its safe.
When we arrive there is another woman there with her child so once all 5 of us are fitted out in helmets and harness we set off.
Rules are simple. Only 2 people on a platform and only one on a bridge at a time. There were about 10 bridges to cross with platforms between. Our harnesses are attached to an overhead rail.
We let the other 2 people head off first then Ciaran led with Fiona following and me bringing up the rear.

Ciaran and the other 2 scampered off while Fiona and I were taking it more sedately.
All went well until about half way in. The bridge was a single line with another single line about chest height.
Fiona headed across making it look easy.

I then started off. Got about halfway across when my grip started to fade. I figure I was holding on so tightly that I strained the tendons in my forearms. Then the panic kicked in. With no grip if I fell there was no way I would be able to haul myself back up onto the line. I started to tremble which started the line shaking which didn't make it any easier. Apparently I went sheet white. When I tried to lift my leg to step tot he right I was shaking so much that I couldn't get my foot onto the line. That was when I was able to lift my foot.  I don't know how I did it but I managed to continue and make it to the platform where Fiona was still waiting. After that the rest was easy (well easier) but my grip was effectively gone in both hands. Finally made it to the finish and back onto ground where Ciaran was smugly waiting.

I have to say I enjoyed it but I was scared. Even though I knew I couldn't fall ...
Annoying thing was my complete lack of grip for the rest of the day. Couldn't hold my fork at lunch. At three we had a badminton court and I could barely hold the racquet though as the session progressed my grip did get a little better. I did lose the racquet a few times it almost hit Ciaran.
Back for dinner. Ciaran strikes again - chicken curry. Great little chef.
By after dinner drinks my grip was slowly returning so we headed out to the pool where they also have an outdoor pool which is warmer then the indoor one and a rapids pool which is great fun.
Big kids really.