It was my birthday on Saturday and though its Ciaran's today we celebrated it yesterday.
Fiona knows of my love for pancakes (or french toast) and crispy bacon so she was going to cook me my Birthday Breakfast.
Unfortunately (?!) my mum rang first thing to wish me a happy birthday and once she heard about our breakfast plans proceeded to explain how its the rich eating that's causing my ruptured ankle tendon in January and my sciatica a few weeks ago. Once we said we were going out for Chinese for dinner I could actually hear her eyes rolling in despair.
Fiona caved to the pressure so the bacon was off and only 1 small pancake:
Thankfully she relented and let me have some maple syrup.
For Ciaran though it was bit more hectic. We celebrated his birthday yesterday, a school day. His birthday breakfast was his usual shreddies eaten in record time while I made his packed lunch. Officially, he had a birthday lie in. Actually he never got out of his bed in time.
We did go to Ciaran's favourite restaurant, Scotts, for dinner.
We thought we would be tight for time as I had to be back for Cubs, but in the end we had plenty. And good food. Oddly, Ciaran didn't go for the steak (which I thought he would) but had lamb...
After seeing to the Cubs it was back to the house for his presents and cake with annoying musical candle
and I got to try out my new birthday camera.