12 November 2012

Birthdays on Ice

Its Fiona's Birthday today but we have been celebrating all weekend.
We were down in Stranraer for the WOHFTF weekend.
Since Fiona has had her birthday on curling weekends before, I think she knew something would be done, but as most of us were staying Sunday night, and her birthday wasn't until Monday, I suspect she thought there would be a cake on Sunday night.
We were called to a pre-dinner drink on Saturday night where Fiona was in the room before she realised the bunting and pictures on the wall were of her.

The other side of the room had the same for David who celebrates his 50th soon.
After dinner the lounge was also decorated for the birthday pair.

A joint cake was brought in with 40 candles for Fiona and 50 for David (luckily they used number candles or our carbon footprint would have been horrendous)
One half was iced blue and green wishing David a happy Birthday and the other in red and pink for Fiona.
The band played happy birthday and had them do a birthday dance.
Sunday dinner was quiet. The pressure of the eating and the curling wore most of them out so it was just Fiona and I, with Alan and Christine who headed down to the games room for some carpet bowls and to wish Fiona Happy Birthday once the witching hour came.

This morning we found a notice on the hotel bedroom door:

And when we arrived for breakfast the balloons were back.
Another rendition of happy Birthday by the entire dining room, accompanied by the horrible electronic candle Fiona bought for Ciaran's birthday.
To finish off the birthday it was out to dinner with Margaret, Grace, Rachael and Ciaran, before back from more cake and another few verses of Happy birthday.