I am now almost 2 weeks into my new car. The garage made an offer I couldn't refuse.
I wasn't really looking for a new car, but was thinking of changing. I had received a voice message from the garage on the day the BBC reported an air bag recall on some Japanese cars. With no details other than to contact the garage 'as soon as I can' I feared the worst. If there was nothing to worry about then that's what the message would have been, right?
I returned their call only to be informed it was a prospecting call as they had some great deals. Wary of deals only available for a short time I asked if I could come in the following week, 10 days later and an appointment was made.
Ciaran and I then headed into the garage and had a look-see. After the test drive I was impressed. I had been told it was the same sized engine and felt it had a lot more oomph but when we got back we realised it was the larger sized engine. The only one with my engine size on the lot was already sold so I couldn't test that one.
Then the paperwork starts and the prices looked really good, but still more than I was paying for my current car. It was pointed out that it wasn't much more a month but I countered with the fact that over the year it would add up to 2 extra months. I said I would need to think about it and could I take the paperwork away with me.
Then the hard sell started, but he was upfront - he said that if I walked away then he hadn't managed to make the sale so he would check what else could be offered.
After some time, and a test drive of the sold car, we finally agreed on a price which was what I was already paying, a down payment of less than 1 month's payment, no first payment for a month and 2 years free servicing. In effect I was able to replace my car 3.5 years old car with over 48 thousand on the clock with a brand new upgrade for essentially less in 1 month. I save on my servicing and MOT and since it was pre-registered I can also claim back my tax disc. A real no brainer.
So what do I think of it? Its always nice to have something new, especially new for old. Also since my spin in Feb 2011 I was uneasy in the car. Won't know how that goes until the winter so watch this space. At least this new car doesn't have the scratches from that any more. Its got a smaller tank but seems to get the same mileage but its too early to know about that yet. This is a 5 door but the three of haven't had cause to use them yet.
The white colour may mean washing it more often (more often than never anyway). I also no longer have alloy wheels but that's no hardship.