06 September 2013

Summer Time review

I've already shown that I have struggled with my "Get Lean" campaign through the summer.

A week in Crete with all that food and beer and the disruption to my routine. I did get back on track by the end of the month, and can say that at least after the summer I am, at worst, the same as going into it.

Activity wise I'm doing well. The summer didn't really stop me getting out and about: July and August's stats look pretty good considering

I have started using my heart rate monitor while I'm on my bike. This has had the effect of dropping my calorie count during my cycles as it can generate a more accurate estimate of energy used. So its a tradeoff - lower reported calories used versus more graphs for me to look at.
I also have a cadence monitor n the bike giving even more data although not a power monitor despite attempting to get that working. It seems that a Garmin GSC is a speed and cadence so it doesn't report the power no matter how you adjust the sensors. These have only been on the bike since the 20th or so of August but already I can see that my Max heart rate when I'm out with Fiona is about the same as my average heart rate when I'm doing my lunch time cycles.

Of course, my plans to continue on my campaign have taken a beating...