At least, I have logged more weigh-ins on my graph than last month which shows I am taking this seriously again.
I have dropped 2kg this month so it seems to be paying off. I'm still way off the original targets set in January when I started all this. I never thought they would be realistic but felt keeping an eye on them would be good, as a way of focussing. Especially at the start when I was doing better than the target predicted.
The exercise is continuing, but fewer gym visits in October as I ran down that membership. It finally cancelled on Halloween.
My route is a loop but its not symmetric. The return portion is much more exposed as it runs along the shore line. The site I use to log my cycle data recorded wind speeds at 17mph W on my slowest day. That blows like a gale off the water. A south west wind should be helpful, but the more westerly it is is the harder it seems. One day was logged as 0mph wind. That saw me finish in just 27:54. This is only 39s slower than my fastest time yet, with had an 8mph due South wind. To me, this shows that I am slowed more by the wind than helped. Which makes a bit of sense if you consider that sitting upright, holding the handlebars, makes a pocket for the wind to catch in.
My increasing my lunchtime cycles has been offset by Fiona's curling so there were fewer weekend cycles or walks. Calorie burn is down, but that is tied to the 5 hours less actual exercise. Swings and roundabouts I guess. I am fitter though. At least that my interpretation of the reducing average heart rate for these cycles. And I feel better too.
Plans for this month? I need to keep focussed. We're off to Stranraer this weekend 'curling' so I'll need to watch the food intake. The end of the month the new job starts. That will mean less time for exercise and more time in restaurants and travelling, so I'll have to be careful