In the post Christmas, getting back to work, in a new job, I almost missed my 21st anniversary of coming to live and work in Scotland.
That's almost half my life spent over here.
Of course, I don't actually recall the exact date I arrived here. I know I started work on the 11th Jan 1993 (because it snowed, my new suit got soaked, we were sent home early, and some snow lay until April) so I suspect it was the 7th or 8th.
My original plan was to have a small outing. Work have a long service award for 21 years so it would have all tied in nicely.
However, having changed jobs just 35 days short of the milestone, and with the pressures of the new job I really didn't do too much. Just a drink after badminton. With some of the people I spent most of those 21 years with.