05 May 2014

Long Cycle

Now that the weather is finally picking up, and the curling is over, we have been back out on the bikes.

Just about 100 miles in the past 2 weeks (3 weekends)

Saturday we went out to Portencross Castle. This is north along the coast. Again its fairly flat, coastal cycling with most on cycle track and only a little on quiet streets.

Being prepared, we had sandwiches with us, and if the weather was better would have stayed and had a good look at the castle.

This is all part of my campaign to have Fiona do the 47 mile Pedal Scotland event in September. She keeps saying she's not fit enough, but she did 45 miles in 4 hours, so she seems pretty fine to me.

What I have had to do is distract her. Normally she would start complaining on the cycle back, but this time I commented on the fact that my bum was getting sore and never gave her the opportunity to complain.