12 July 2011

Walk like an Egyptian

No trip to Ireland is complete without a trip to Forbidden Planet for Ciaran, but today we also managed to see replicas of some of the treasure found in King Tut's tomb.
Looking at the craftsmanship of these items you get some idea of the lavish lifestyle the very rich had, and of the skill of the people keeping them in the lifestyle they became accustomed to.
I don't know how much of what was found was shown here but just the complexity of how it was all stored is amazing.
We all know that the mummy had the mask, but I never knew there were 3 more nested coffins before the granite sarcophagus, and then that was placed into a set of four nested gold shrines.
This was a very interesting day and we were lucky we caught one of the last days it was in Dublin.

As it happens, Ciaran didn't find anything of interest at Forbidden Planet and seems to have outgrown the need to simply spend his money, just to have spent it on something.