04 July 2012

Field archery

Finally managed to make it out for 'breakfast' :

Personally I went for the 'savoury' option of ham and cheese with Maple syrup. Lovely.

We then spent a fantastic 90 minutes hunting with bow and arrow as we tried out field archery.
This is basically using a bow and arrow but instead of using the normal bulls eye style target foam animals are set our and you get point for the type of hit. Anywhere on the body give 5 points. Within a small ring gives 10 and inside a smaller ring gives 15. Any kill shot also gives 15 points.  You have three arrows per target and have to shoot around trees and bushes.

Poor Fiona managed to get around in 0 points but there also included the last 2 target which had penalties if you hit the wrong animal or the tree.
Ciaran finished with 30 points and I finished with 85, which included gelding a deer.
The winning score was 130 but the average for the course with first timers is 40. It was really great fun but the midges were a nightmare.
Dinner was at the American diner in acknowledgement of independence day. Old habits die hard.

Took three attempts before we managed to get Ciaran to look away from his food even a little. Look at the sauce moustache!