10 September 2012

Spooky forest creature

I was adding my latest photos to Picasa when it flagged a face I didn't recognise.
When I checked the photo, there was no one present - it was a shot out the window of a tea room in Aviemore where bird feeders were set up. Fiona and I spent some time there back in August.

Lower left hand corner, between the two trunks is a face. Just who is the mysterious person?

Its not a reflection on the glass.
Best suggestion is a Wallgeist, which is a German name for a woodland spirit. They would more commonly be known as a dryad, but dryads are normally exclusively female.
Its supposed to be good luck to spot one so I'm optimistic.
The 'glass is half empty' side says its just leaves and light which satisfied Picasa's face recognition algorithms, but which I can't now seem to stop seeing...