24 February 2013

More Curling

Just back in from a weekend in Kinross where Fiona was curling. Its a funny competition where they try to be as good as they can, but not to win it outright since the winners have to organise it for next year.

I was left to my own devices while the curlers were on ice.

I took the opportunity to hire a bike and go for a cycle. I do not recommend cycling in jeans and boots - there is no stretch. I could barely get my leg over the cross bar.

It was good fun though. There is a newish path which almost circles the loch (Loch Leven). This is the Loch Levin Heritage Trail and seems to be a locally financed initiative to promote the amenities.
They've done a great job. The path is excellent At the moment it only goes about 3/4 of the way around but plans seem to be in place to complete the ring. At the moment it goes from Kinross pier out to RSPB Vane Farm. I was worried at the very start. I didn't look very closely but the surface was a wooden deck with no-slip strips. It meant the hire bike rumbled as it passed over it. I didn't think I would cope if it was all like that. Luckily for me it wasn't.

The path was in fantastic conditions and despite all the rain was quite dry with only a few small puddles over the entire length. Being on the shore of the lake it was also quite level. There were numerous benches where you could sit and look out over the lake, and there were hides for watching the local wildlife.

It was cold but dry and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I finished my afternoon off with a sauna while waiting for the curlers to return.

Apart for the curling ,the main purpose of these weekends is the food and I have to admit I enjoyed mine. I'm sure the diet has gone to pot though. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in.

The curlers did quite well - no booby prizes and didn't win outright so they don't have to organise it next year. And Fiona won both her games which she was pleased about.