06 March 2013

2 Month Update

I have decided to go more public as a means of encouraging me to go through with this.

I’m now 2 months into my campaign to make less of myself. I must be firm in my commitment NOT to call it ‘losing weight’. Losing implies an accident. I knew what I had to do to shift every gram – there’s no accident there!

I’m feeling quite good about my progress so far. I need to drop 30% of my start weight and I've given myself the year (2013 - the year I get lean) to do it all.

I've cut down on the naughty foods. Tough to do with slim people around who can eat those things. And increase the amount of exercise. Despite my size I was always fairly active and enjoyed my exercise – it gave me an appetite! – but last year with buggering my ankle my exercise took a beating. It’s too easy at the end of the day to decide not to go to the gym and head home to the telly and crisps instead. I must be firmer.

It also means regular weigh-ins. That’s where it gets confusing. Being a techie I log and plot all this (and more). I am using an Android app (Libra) which offers a trend function based on the Hacker’s Diet. This places more focus on your ‘trend’ value than the actual weigh value.  This allows for simple smoothing. The original diet was a simple pen and paper one but the method lends itself to low power devices quite well. So, I have a weight which is actually a trend and a measurement which is my weight. The trend value lags behind the actual measurement because it uses a value from a few days earlier. This means that if I have a bad weekend (which normally means having a great weekend) I can forget to record anything for a day or two and then once I get back on track my trend isn't damaged too much.

I’m now 2 months in and I've dropped between 21%(trend) and 23% (measurement)of my target. My 
trend says I should hit my target weight on 13 September 2013, well ahead of my goal date.

I have reached my first milestone which was losing a stone. I was rewarded with a pizza which meant no weigh-ins for a couple of days.
Of course I know the first bits are the easier ones to get rid of so I need to keep at it.