19 March 2013

A shifting wind

What a cycle!
Its quite breezy so I checked wunderground.com for the wind info. It was north of east and 20ish km/hr
I knew this would make the last bit harder than usual, but I would reap the wind on my back for the only 'climb' which is over a hump back bridge. The rest being mostly north/south I headed out
And so it was. The wind was on my left shoulder, and despite almost pushing me off a few time, it was neither helping nor hindering too much. Apart from wind chill. And I got the push up and over the bridge.
Coming past the marina I was almost stationary with a killer head wind. By now I had realised that more than just the last bit was going to be tough.
I was a full 4.5 minutes slower than my best time and at least 3 minutes slower than what I was expecting.
I've got to remember that this is not a circle, but more of a triangle.

And keep a closer eye on the forecast.