17 April 2010

It's not fair...

Fiona and I went back to Whitelee to do the same loop that Ciaran and I did last weekend.
The main difference this week was the wind - there was a lot more of it than when Ciaran and I were here.
Anyway, we set off from the visitor's centre, with me just about notices a sign saying the car park would close promptly at 1700.
The wind was coming from almost due west, and as is typical when its on your back, we totally underestimated its strength.
We got up to turbine 48 where we stopped for lunch. It was here that we  really noticed the cold edge to the wind as we tried to shelter at the base of the mast.
Once we reached turbine 63 and started "back" the wind really took hold. As we crested any ridge the wind would hit us from over the top. This would get worse! Soon the wind got so bad that we had to cycle down the hills in order to keep moving.
As we struggled our pace naturally dropped.
Suddenly I remembered the sign. I asked Fiona if she noticed it but she hadn't and I wasn't sure if the closing time was 1700 or 1800. It was now 1630 and we were about 3 miles away from the centre. Then the panic set in. Luckily the pace was increased a bit and the last stretch had the wind somewhat on our back. Still it was touch and go - we only made it into the car park with 5 minutes to spare. Luckily they weren't quite so rigid with there closing time and we had enough time to rack the bikes and get the car out of the car park. Still though it was only 1710 when they did lock the gate and leave.
Probably the hardest cycling I have done in ages. Lots of climbing and nasty headwinds.